Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day's 32-42: Blog... what blog...?

This past week has been a little rough in the Riendeau household... While I can assure you that I was keeping up on my promise to create healthy family recipes (all of which I will share as "extras" in my next few entries), I was completely and totally unable to get on my blog. Not only have I had three ridiculously crazy migraines, but my hubby went off to work in Indiana for the last week. Par Dela has gained about nine more official stores, though there are quite possibly more, and our intern started last night. Did I mention that my little man had his first two teeth pop out this week... at the same time? Yeah, that's fun. Long story short- I've been busy.

Now that things have resumed to normal, the plan is to attempt a croissant/puff pastry type recipe this weekend. I had mentioned my want for GF croissants to a few people over the past month, saying that I would attempt a recipe... but then I received another email from a customer, Grace. Her email has inspired me to spend the week deciding what might work best in the recipe, then attempting to actually make it tomorrow. I'll be posting on here how it comes out.

So for now, I'll bid you all adeiu and good night... but expect that I am back and ready to cook it all up for you!

