Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tie-Dyed Gluten Free Waffles, A Birthday Treat!

Today's post is a remake on an older favorite recipe. August 10th is my "little" big man's birthday. This year he turned five. So, being the awesome mommy that I am... I thought I would mix him up something special for breakfast. I vaguely remembered seeing a post on Pinterest about colored waffles and thought I would give it a try.

Tie-Dyed Gluten Free Waffles
A Special Birthday Treat
To recreate this you will have to first visit my post from around this point last year to get the recipe for my GF waffles... Click Here.

After mixing the batter, I put out 4 large plastic cups and lined them with large "zipping" food bags (no endorsements here, folks). I divided the batter into the four cups and then colored each one with a different food color blend. For the tie-dye effect I made red, blue, green and orange. I didn't do a

yellow because the batter itself is pretty yellow... if I had wanted it in there I probably would have left a bag with no color or only a few drops or yellow. The coloring is completely up to you, but I will tell you that a couple colors took quite a few (12) drops; and the red still came out more pink than crimson.

Too top the perfect birthday breakfast I rimmed some mugs with chocolate and sprinkles and poured hot cocoa in.

My sons both continued to eat the leftover waffles throughout the day. For snack, dipped in applesauce... randomly and dry... with blackberries from the bushes in our yard... They do not have a lot of sugar (except when doused in maple syrup like they did this morning) so I didn't feel bad letting them snack away. The color made them think they were eating something bad for them and getting a real treat!

I think this will become a birthday tradition, or at least something like this. Five years have flown by, but we have at least 16 more to go with at least one kiddo in the house!

Let me know your thoughts if you try it out on your own :)



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