Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 24: A Review of Ted's Montana Grill

We went the lazy route tonight and ate dinner out. It was gorgeous outside and a nice walk around Evergreen was perfect. We have eaten at Ted's Montana Grill in the past, but I thought it appropriate that I should give them a little plug in here, as I didn't make ANY of my own food tonight.

I have to admit that my favorite meal there is the "Montana Breakfast" bison burger. It's basically the most unhealthy item on their burger menu, with the exception of maybe one or two others (they have nearly 15 options)! It's a burger with cheese, ham and a fried egg- served with a tomato jelly. Their gluten free menu is pretty vast, but they DO NOT have a GF burger bun. While this is dissapointing, the bun is really not neccessary when you have a perfectly cooked bison burger, a fork, and a knife. Bison is a far healthier option that the usual low-grade beef that many restaurants use.

Isaac likes their bison kids sliders.
Justin opted for the healthier salad with chicken and avacodo. (Usually I'm the salad girl- so I felt like a piggy!)

Overall, I would rate this restaurant a 7 out of ten for GF. They are knowledgable about their product and how things are cooked. They have a legitimate GF menu, offer desserts (though I didn't need one), and quite the selection of sides. They lost 3 points based on not having buns, or unique GF options. I coudl order a burger sans bun just about anywhere... but maybe not bison :)

Thsi is not my most exciting recipe, but I enjoyed a night with my family and some friends far too much to sit in front of the computer for an hour :) Sorry folks!
Let me know your experiences with Ted's in the comment box below!



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